Dominatrix NYC Slut Training

Slut Training as Imagined by a collared Submissive


“I want you to start working with a training partner,” said the Mistress, as she paced back and forth thoughtfully. She held a paddle in one hand and tapped it gently in her other palm, her clever eyes scanning the room. 
“Yes, Ma’am,” I whispered. 

I was tied to a bench, of course, on all fours, an e-stim plug pulsing inside me. It buzzed me enough to make me writhe slightly, but not so much as to take away my attention. 

“I still want to train you myself each week,” she continued, “but I don’t have time for daily lessons, which is what you need. So I’ve chosen an assistant trainer that you’ll meet with each day, so you can practice the concepts I’m teaching you.”

She walked over to me, looking directly in my eyes, gripping my collar to hold my head steady. 

“In time I may want you to find additional training partners on various web sites, but not yet. For now, I’m going to introduce you to your first new training partner,” she said with a smile, then looked past me, behind me, towards the door. 

I heard footsteps behind me, and the rustle of clothing. Being bound, I couldn’t see behind me, especially with my Mistress holding my collar. 
Suddenly I felt someone press up against me from behind, and the plug was pulled out from me. I felt something else, slick and hard, pressed against my ass, and I groaned as it slid inside. Two strong hands gripped my hips as the person behind me pounded into me, out, in again, in a deep smooth rhythm. I began to groan despite myself. 

The Mistress smiled. “You will report to your assistant trainer each day for training. I expect you to make rapid progress, and to please them well. Consider me the brilliant strategist in your development, and your assistant trainer is the muscle I use to mold you completely.”

“Yes…Ma’am,” I grunted, as the assistant sped up their thrusts. 
It seemed I had a lot of training to do. 

NYC Dominatrix Viktoria Sway

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