Sensation Play~ Fur Fetish ~ Dominatrix Leather~Latex Silk

Sensation Play and BDSM

Sensation Play~ Fur Fetish ~ Dominatrix Leather~Latex Silk

Chaos Reigns In Our Shadow Selves. The More We Know And Integrate our shadow, The More Personal Power we gain. The power to choose responses in all parts of our life.

Textures and Sensations in Kink

So Many Ways to Experiment with Sensory Arousal!

Now that I’ve got your attention, textures and sensation play can be a great addition to your experience with a ProDom. Some of my favorites (and my lucky playthings are quite fond of them as well) are leather, lace, fur, and nylon. Let’s explore!

There are many ways I might incorporate texture and sensations into a session with a submissive.  Of course, I can wear them myself, a feast for the eyes and the body, or arouse you by touching you with various items, or I could even put them on you! 

When it comes to textures and sensations, there’s a vast array of ways to arouse and stimulate your partner.   Light touch techniques, soft textures, rough textures, so many options!  Here are just a few of my favorites.

FemDom foot with impact toys. Paddle and whip

Leather Dommes

If anything is classic Dominatrix, it’s leather! Leather is a unique sensation most of us have been familiar with since childhood. Many foot enthusiasts, for example, are thrilled by the multisensory nature of leather shoes, the feeling of the shoe, the smell of the leather, the way it holds the warmth of a beautiful foot; so much to take in during a foot worshipping session!

The smell of leather, in particular, is a powerful sensation. Why? Because it’s designed that way!  Most manufacturers of quality leather goods use a combination of waxes,  oils, and perfumes to create their unique texture and their unique smell. Nothing smells quite like quality leather, and the scent is amplified when warmed by the body!  

Even the taste of leather is unique. Although not an edible item, you may find yourself with a leather gag in your mouth or perhaps put in your protocol position holding a leather toy in your mouth, waiting for your Mistress’ attention.

Leather clothing is also quite popular.  Predating latex, the tight-fitting, binding nature of leather, is part of the traditional Dominatrix image and in the BDSM community at large. For many people (in Western Culture), the sight of leather is associated with strength, dominance, and power, so it makes sense that it goes hand in hand with a Professional Dominatrix.  Black leather, in particular, is associated with danger, physicality, and sometimes a threat, and it is quite popular for a leather Dominatrix for that reason. 

I enjoy my own twist on leather clothing, the many colors available, and nontraditional clothing items such as long gloves, jackets, or body harnesses. I have many in my wardrobe to entice you.

NYC FemDom in her red leather dress and nylons, holding a paddle for punishment.

The Leather Dominatrix

Bring on the Leather BDSM Toys

Leather is not limited to clothing! The flexible yet unyielding nature of leather makes it an ideal material for collars, restraints of all kinds, leather cuffs, hoods, leashes, and, of course, toys.  Depending on the thickness and treatment of the leather, a toy might be a soft suede flogger to trail over a prone body or a braided whip cracked over a vulnerable bottom. 

Impact Play (article coming soon!) utilizes many leather spanking tools. 

Some impact play tools may include:

  • Crops
  • Whips
  • Paddles
  • Floggers
  • Slappers

Feathers and Fur Fetishes

Few things are as sensual as fur.  The sight of fur is associated with the ultimate in luxury, opulence, and sensuality.  Feathers, too, are associated with femininity and luxury. But how can they be used in BDSM? 

Fur and feathers are excellent accessories in tease and denial games as tickling tools and more. Capable of rendering feather tickling that shudders through the body or gentle stroking of a sensitive part, the body becomes flush with awareness, nerves alight with electricity, anticipating and yearning for the touch to explore further.

Part of the allure of a fur fetish is the unfamiliarity. While we enjoy the sensation we experience when we touch fur or feathers with our hands, the sensation is quite different when a different body part is caressed with softness. Our bodies are familiar with the tactile feeling, but when applied elsewhere, that familiarity turns into something completely new while still echoing that recognition as the Dominatrix explores her prey. 

fur fetish sensation play with black fur coat and nude Dominatrix Viktoria Sway

Well-cared-for, authentic fur has its own unique smell as well. Hearkening back to leather, there can be a rich, somewhat leathery, and musky scent to a quality garment. 

Over time, the quality of simulated fur has increased immensely.  A synthetic fur garment or toy offers the same range of texture sensations as the real thing and can bring all the same tactile experiences as the real thing.

If a submissive is lucky enough to earn the privilege of touching the Dominatrix, they may be permitted to do so through a luxurious fur coat, her warmth, her curves such a sensual delight!

Some toys also employ fur and feathers.  Many people are familiar with the entry-level BDSM play of fur-lined handcuffs, for example! Paddles can also be treated with fur for a different sensation, and collars lined with fur are also popular in kinky play.

New York Dominatrix teasing the cock and balls of her submissive slave with feathers.
NYC Dominatrix with pinwheel in red with black leather gloves on.

Sensual sensation Play

The BDSM and Sensation Link

At the heart of the human experience lie the five senses. It is through sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste that we experience our world. Some of our earliest memories are rooted in the senses. Without the context of identity, relationships, and associations, sense-based experiences become embedded in our psyche from birth. 

Although sensation play isn’t mandatory to engage in BDSM, sensation play is a significant player in kinky activities for many enthusiasts. Sensation play is an umbrella term for any activity that awakens our five senses. The stimulation can be as subtle as the tickling whisper touch of a feather or as intense as the whipping of a bare bottom. 

The sensory stimulation experience is related to a vast array of factors unique to every individual. Furthermore, the context of experience is everything; a slap in the face is experienced very differently in a hot ProDom scene versus walking down the street from out of nowhere. 

FemDom NYC Dominatrix with her submissive slave wearing his blindfold.

Hungry for more? Well, look no further.  In this first article of an upcoming series exploring the vast world of sensation play, we will explore the role of textures in a kink play session. Why they intrigue us, ideas about implementation, various toys and activities to explore, and more.  Future articles will explore impact play, sensory deprivation, sploshing, sensations in medical play  (including piercing, electrical, and more!), chemical play, and more! 

And just in case you missed it, don’t forget to check out my articles about CBT, Bondage, and HypnoDom,  already published and available now.

Read on for a discussion of textural sensation play with NYC Professional Dominatrix Goddess Viktoria Sway!

New York Dominatrix with her naked sub with his cock out.

The Body and Sensations

Before we are even born (at 8 weeks gestation!), the sense of touch, which is integral to our survival, begins to develop, allowing us to process and detect internal and external information. 

This information provides a steady stream of essential information about our environment that keeps us alive throughout our lifespan. Are we cold? Are we sitting in a way that puts too much pressure on a joint? Even the smallest amoeba moves away from a pointed object solely for self-preservation. 

Admittedly, human beings are far more complex. For humans, touch is the process by which specialized neurons sense tactile information from the skin and other organs and convey this information to the brain, where it is perceived as sensations such as pressure, temperature, vibration, and pain.

Perception of pain and pleasure within the world of BDSM has garnered attention in recent years, in part because of various media portrayals of the D/s dynamic. It doesn’t take a kinkster to appreciate a pain and pleasure balance; athletes and fans of spicy food can attest that both can exist. Studies of sensation have shown that stimulation information is relayed to a region of the brain called the ventral tegmental and triggers the release of the potent neurotransmitter dopamine, which regulates both physical pleasure and emotional pleasure, bringing us to our next consideration, the psychology of sensation.

New York Domme in a short red skirt showing her bare legs , wearing long gloves, and holding an electric sex toy.

The Mind and Sensation Play

Our early life experiences (both physical and psychological) wire us to best adapt to our world. This wiring includes perceptions and associations with specific sensations. Commonly understood as fetishism, there are several theories that the field of psychology offers us to explore sexual arousal associated with inanimate objects, in this case, textures.

Sexual Imprinting & BDSM Fetishism

As a general concept, sexual imprinting is the manner in which early life experiences shape sexual attractions later in life. In early childhood, this process involves positive associations created with family, environmental, or psychological states that can influence both mate selection and sexual arousal. 

In BDSM, we focus on the latter, wherein a specific object is emotionally charged and coupled with sexual arousal.  These could be as simple as a silk robe a mother wears while holding you, a novel sensation for a child, later gives a sense of relaxation and safety, which contribute to the sexual experience in a unique way for an individual. The original sensation is not experienced in a sexual context. Still, the emotions associated with the sensation carry over into sexual stimulation, just as emotional connection and bondedness are, for some, interconnected with a satisfying sexual experience.  

But do I have to have a fetish to enjoy sensation play? Not at all!  There are many ways to experiment with various textures within the world of touch that can be both stimulating and surprising; let’s explore some now.

A Note on Trauma in the Context of Sensation Play

Floggers and FemDom. NYC Dominatrix with impact toys. Secret Masturbation / masturbating for a voyeur.

Some people seek out BDSM and sensation play in the hopes of processing physical trauma.  When our bodies and souls are violated, we lose our sense of safety within ourselves, begging the question, if we are unsafe within our bodies, how could we possibly be safe in the world? 

Addressing trauma in a BDSM dynamic is to be considered with great caution and both introspection and discussion with the Professional Dominatrix of your choosing.  Not everyone is emotionally prepared for this somatic work, nor is every provider educated about the rewards and risks of this form of engagement. A Pro Dom with experience in somatic processing will talk through risk/reward outcomes, expectations, and specific needs and goals. 

A FemDom Sensation Fantasy

Goddess Viktoria Sway has begun your session with you stripped naked, hands bound over your head, legs spread with a bar; you cannot move and are completely vulnerable.  She surveys her prey with a hungry look in her eye, and you shiver with anticipation. 

As she approaches, she sheds her dress, revealing red lacy panties, bra, and thigh-high stockings.

In her high heels, she is 6’5″, and every inch of her beauty makes you desperate with desire, longing for her touch.  Your eyes are drawn to her bounty, cupped in the frilly lace, and she laughs at your staring. “You seem to enjoy looking at Me in My bra and panties toy; I think I will use them to torment you today.” What does she mean? You wonder, and you quickly find out.

She moves toward you, predatory, and slowly brushes her beautiful breasts up and down your naked chest. You feel the lace, both soft and slightly scratching, gliding over you, and she circles your nipples, creating that aching erect sensation you also feel in your cock.  

Her low laugh indicates she notices your cock standing stiff at attention and taps it with one finger. “Does this feel neglected? I’ll have to do something about that…” And to your delight, the lacy panties, which barely obscure the gorgeous ass you know they hug, brush against your dick, just for a second, that soft fabric driving you wild, and you moan.  

NYC FemDom Viktoria Sway showing cleavage on top of her naked sub doing anal play.

Like lightning, she turns to you, grabbing your face and demanding eye contact....

Like lightning, she turns to you, grabbing your face and demanding eye contact....

  “I am going to rub myself all over your body, slave, but I assure you, if one drop of cum gets on My pretty lingerie, I will be most displeased.  Do you understand?” You nod helplessly, precum already forming, knowing you will lose this game. She has begun, but what can you do? Tied, exposed, and vulnerable? One thing is for certain: you will never see or feel lace without thinking of this moment again, and you surrender to the sensation…

Chaos Reigns In Our Shadow Selves. The More We Know And Integrate our shadow, The More Personal Power we gain. The power to choose responses in all parts of our life.

Cold Hard Metal-

Nothing is as unyielding as metal,  and when it comes to sensory play, metal is not for the faint of heart.  The unique qualities evoke feelings of confinement, helplessness, and severity.  Imagine walking into your Dominatrix dungeon and seeing chains hanging from the ceiling and a pair of handcuffs in her hands; she means business!

In addition to the visual cues associated with metal, metal is an excellent conductor of heat, meaning it absorbs the heat from the body and transfers it away, maintaining the cool, unyielding feeling against the skin. Due to this conduction, cold or heat applied to metal will travel in a reverse manner from the item to the skin.  Imagine your Domme using a metal toy on your most intimate parts and then applying an ice cube to the toy, which will send its temperature plummeting and your sensation skyrocketing as you shiver with delight!

Man chest with chain / chains

Sensory Deprivation

(Full article coming soon)

Texture play can also be significantly enhanced by sensory deprivation. Sensory deprivation deserves its own article, but a thorough discussion of sensation play with textures would not be complete without at least a mention of sensory deprivation. Speaking generally, sensory deprivation limits stimuli to varying degrees for the submissive.  These experiences create a subspace that brings acute awareness to sensations as the body seeks information about the world. 

This is why sensory deprivation is closely connected to sensory play. In the hands of a Professional Dominatrix, sensory deprivation can bring a lucky sub to a level of experience with textures that are genuinely mind-blowing in sensory overload!

blindfold, blindfolded with wax fetish, wax play, sensation play, wax kink

Submit to Sensations-

Goddess Viktoria Sway Style

Ready to explore submission in sensation play with NYC Mistress Goddess Viktoria Sway? Sensory play with textures is an easy entry point for curious players to dabble in something different. Stroking your partner with various items can delight you and them, creating excitement for both.  

Or even take it up a notch with blindfold play and sensory arousal; what is it? Can your submissive guess? Which body part will you touch next? Employ light touch techniques that make them yearn for more. The excitement builds!

With a Professional Dominatrix, the experience reaches new heights. Her experience not only means a wider array of items to use in the play, but she also knows how to weave them together, creating an ebb and flow of intensity that slowly builds into a powerful full-body release.  Coming to New York? What a perfect time to give yourself the experience of a lifetime! What will it be?

New York Dominatrix wearing red lingerie, red lace bra / red lace underwear / red lace panties, nylons, high heals, and long black gloves showing cleavage. Whip, chain, paddle, flogger, cane, impact sex toys.

BDSM Safety- A Word of Caution!

The Staple of Extreme and Edge Play

For those curious about incorporating texture into sensory arousal and play, remember that some people have allergies to some of the options mentioned above.  Consulting a medical professional is helpful if there is a question regarding a potential allergic reaction.  It is also helpful to try a small area application to the inner arm or other more delicate skin to see if there is any indication of a reaction before exploring the entire body.

In conclusion, whether it’s a result of sexual imprinting, trauma, or you just plain like it, texture play in kinky play can add a unique flavor to the experience.  Talk with your partner about their likes, dislikes, interests, and fantasies, and most of all, have fun!

Sensory Play with Textures-Conclusion




Adriaens, Pieter R., and Andreas De Block (eds) (2011), Maladapting Minds: Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Evolutionary Theory, International Perspectives in Philosophy & Psychiatry Oxford UK.

Rubin, G. (2023). Life in five senses: How Exploring the Senses Got Me Out of My Head and Into the World. Hachette UK.

Warren, J., Watley, A., & Warren, L. (2019). The loving dominant. Tantor Audio. 

Westheimer, R. K. (2021). The art of arousal: Revised edition. Abbeville Press.

 Caruso, B. C. (2024, December 12). Exploring Our Sense of Touch from Every Angle. Harvard Medical School.

Morgan, J. (2017, August 1). Womb with a view. Retrieved December 12, 2024, from

Muller, C. M. & Center for Addiction Research and Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, United States (Eds.). (2020). Ventral Tegmental Area. Science Direct. Retrieved December 12, 2024, from


NY Domme wearing nylons and a silk robe. Leg and feet worship gooning.

Silk is soooo Kink

Silk Robes, Silk Panties, Silk Restraints- Could you ask for more?

Whether the sexual imprinting discussed earlier or an underlying sense of vulnerability and humiliation associated with a taboo, silk panties can bring an unexpected thrill not soon forgotten. Our hands are conditioned by our environment, sometimes to the point touching silk is almost imperceivable. 

Silk is so delicate that it rarely has a discernible smell. However, it quickly picks up and holds the scent of its wearer, which, when worn by your beautiful Mistress, will only enhance your experience!

Genuine silk is made from the cocoons of silkworms and spun into thread.  Because of the process of creating silk, most cultures perceive it as a special and luxurious fabric.  It is also a unique fabric in how it drapes, shines, and hugs curves, creating a visual delight. It is a significant reason why it is used in high-end lingerie and is the epitome of femininity and sensuality, which a Dominatrix will use to tease and arouse you mercilessly. 

Some sexy possibilities include:

  • A silk ribbon for erotic blindfolding
  • Silk restraints or bonds
  • Silky panties she might use to rub her delectable bits on all your aching parts

Can you think of more?

Speaking of silk panties, let’s not forget a silk thong; can you imagine that sensation encasing your penis?  The thin piece of fabric pressing between your ass cheeks? Completely foreign, yet when paired with a beautiful Dominatrix, suddenly a whole new realm of pleasure, being fondled through the fabric and the illicit nature of it all, can evoke a strong sense of arousal above and beyond!

Rubber Kink

find a dominatrix leather kink, licking latex gloves, latex mask, latex hood, sensory play latex fetish

Latex, Neoprene, and Rubber tools of the Dominatrix’s Trade

Rubber is a popular sensation kink with a feeling all its own.  It’s so popular, in fact, that most porn sites have a classification for videos featuring rubber! Rubber, similar to latex, has a heat-retaining quality that creates unique sensations, particularly encasement.

Some rubber has a distinct chemical smell, especially when new.  The uniqueness of the scent can be associated with any number of life experiences, perhaps involving tires, boots, or other household items. A caveat, however, is that in a small space, the odor of new rubber can be overwhelming, so it’s best to air out items before using.  

latex hood latex mask with air tube, air deprivation play, kink, NYC FemDom

Rubber also has a practicality to it. In addition to easy cleanup, rubber is often an economical alternative to leather or even latex. 

On the other end of the spectrum, enthusiasts may have a custom rubber suit made to fit them as snugly as possible, which can be quite costly (but worth it for a true fan!). 

  • Body sacks-complete restraint and sensation deprivation beyond the feeling of sweat!
  • Hoods and Bondage Gags- sometimes inflatable!
  • Rubber cock/and or ball cages-providing a unique stretching sensation.
  • Vacuum Beds and Sheets-for a unique feeling of compression and mummification.
  • Rubber Ball Gags-easily cleaned and fun to wear (for you).
  • Rubber Mallets.
  • Rubber gloves are laden with a significant amount of association for many people. Medical fetishes often involve the smacking sound of the gloves being put on, and the feel of depersonalized touch can also be stimulating.
NYC FemDom medical play with latex gloves and lube for anal play

Gloves may be the one exception because they are so thin that the smell associated with them is recognizable but generally not overwhelming.

Rubber and its cousin, latex, are also visually stunning.  A well-fitted garment, shined by a devoted slave, hugs all the curves and appears wet. It’s no surprise it’s a popular fetish for many!

Nylons and Sensory Arousal

New York naked Dominatrix wearing nylons. Nylon fetish, Nylon kink, Foot fetish, nylon feet kink. Silk robe, gooning

Nylons are a popular fetish item, and it’s easy to see the applications of sexual imprinting in this area.  Nylons have a unique feeling and are often first experienced on a woman’s legs (although fashion trends may decrease this experience), often at a young age. 

These early life experiences can naturally carry over into kinky play as an arousing sight, smell, and, of course, touch, especially when panties are visible through sheerness.  

On their own, nylons do not have a discernible odor; however, because of their poor wicking properties, they often pick up the smell of their wearer despite washing, which can be an added delight for nylon enthusiasts. 

Nylons also come in various colors, styles, and sheens; many people have preferences in these areas, and some love them all!

Nylons can be fun for more than just wearing. If I were to be so inclined I might slip a pair of my nylons off and tie them as a gag while I torment you, thereby granting you the added blessing of a taste of my lovely feet during your punishment. Nylons are also useful for quick and easy bondage and are very difficult to escape, given their strength and their stretch.

Train with the best

submissive impact play naked sub getting spanked with a paddle by sadistic Dominatrix in a short skirt, bare legs, cleavage
NYC Dominatrix Viktoria Sway

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